Seana McNamara July 2011

Seana McNamara


Resident Artist, NASA Ames Research Center – 2011
Peju Gallery Group Show, Napa Valley, CA – 2011
Art Show, 4M Gallery, London – 2011
Digital Art Exhibit at the HQ of the British Computer Society, London– 2011
Mary Drew Art Prize – 2010
Rembrandt Traveling Fellowship – 2010

BA Studio Art, Pomona College – 2011

I work across media, using my drawings and paintings as digital raw material and reworking what I've done in the digital medium with pencil, paint and other media to create new original works. The potential to create layers in digital art, and to shift between layers, allows art-making to be more like archeology, digging for meaning. But where the archeologist digs deeper and deeper to unearth the past, digital art adds layer upon layer, projecting images and ideas into the future.

As I create individual images, they flow, one into another. Each image reacts to the previous in a running animation of changes. Images, once built, give birth to new images. In them, I evoke narrative, although not in the way that Bosch’s The Temptations of St Anthony clearly depicts supernatural temptation. Instead, I seek visual onomatopoeias that echo my process of art making—cannibalizing old work to create new work, warping, layering, sketching, and erasing. Images are pounded into their new forms, fighting among themselves. The weakest are consumed, becoming raw materials for other images. The strongest snap into place, each layer and color seamlessly fitting as coherence gradually emerges.

© 2011. For more information contact sm(at)